An Intro


Hey friend. Welcome to For All the King’s Daughters! Grab a cup of your favorite drink and get in your comfy chair and let’s talk! Let’s pretend we are in my living room or in a coffee shop and as we put our feet up under us, we can chat about our day and the busyness of our schedules but let’s keep talking until our heart beats faster, our voice quivers and our eyes are filled with tears. There… that moment a connection happens. All the pretense of what we are thinking of each other’s hairstyle, weight, clothing choice, etc, etc fades and the insecurities with it, and we just talk! Like real heart talk the way that only women can do. Where emotions come rising to the surface and give way to the deep places in our hearts and minds.

This is the context in which I want to begin this adventure with you. Over the course of weeks and months, I want to put my heart and thoughts out here and I hope something resonates with you and then prompts you to share your heart and mind with others. Before too long we could have a global coffee house gathering where we come together and find our way through this crazy life by the unfailing guidance of the Bible and with the help of His daughters.

I’ll break the ice with a little history about me and my journey so far. I’m 47 years old, been married for 22 years, have 6 kiddos ranging in age from 9-20yrs and our 8 year old son passed away in 2011 due to complications from Type 1 diabetes. We’ve lived in the southeast US all our lives until 2013 when we sold most everything and moved to Asia to work in ministry with dear friends. I have homeschooled, sent my kids to public schools, and had 2 graduate from an international school. Until a few months ago, I drove a 12 passenger van! I am more often prone to say too much rather than too little. While I have loved the 40’s, I am still trying to adjust to plucking whiskers from my chin! I like to walk but if you see me running, someone is chasing me and you better run too! Ok, hopefully that made you laugh and either drew you in or made you want to log off and never return to this site. I am sure that more of my craziness will surface over the course of the next weeks and months.

All that said, I love Jesus! I mean, not a particular church, not a particular denomination but Jesus! He has changed me, taught me, disciplined me and kept me through deep loss and extreme blessing. He rescued me by grace alone at the age of 8 and then placed radical, Jesus loving women in my life to love, mentor and disciple me.  I am still on a pilgrimage. I do not have life or God figured out. I am still perplexed over so many things, but this I know…..God is good and His love endures forever! I want to spend this year sharing His Word and His love with you and women all over the world. I have invited some friends to help me with this endeavor and I will be introducing them over the course of the next several months.

In 2015, as I was reading in Psalms, I came across Psalm 45. This song is a beautiful picture of the global Bride of Christ coming to her Beloved. Based on that image, I have continued to think about all the women all over the world that love Jesus. We are All the King’s Daughters! My prayer is that this blog becomes more of a virtual hub for women to meet other women from other places and be strengthened and encouraged that God is at work on this globe. I am excited to have you here and I can’t wait to meet you!

20 thoughts on “An Intro

  1. I could see you talking to me through what you wrote. I loved the idea! I am excited to see the next posts and what God is preparing to all of us, the King’s daughters!
    Love you!


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